Timmins calls on Ontario Government to end homelessness



Ontario Construction News staff writer

Timmins city council has passed a resolution asking the provincial government to end homelessness in Ontario. The request followed a presentation by the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) about the need for urgent action to support local government and the residents they serve.

The City of Timmins wants the province to:

  • acknowledge that homelessness in Ontario is a social, economic, and health crisis
  • commit to ending homelessness in Ontario
  • work with AMO and a broad range of community, health, Indigenous and economic partners to develop, resource, and implement an action plan to achieve the goal

“Our first priority is to develop a unified and community-system approach to end homelessness,” said Mayor Michelle Boileau. “The work being done at the municipal level has to be supported by a whole of government approach in order to be effective.

“Successfully preventing and ending homelessness requires a system of social service, health care, and housing infrastructure that cannot be provided by the city alone.”



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