Timmins approves Climate Change Adaptation Plan


Ontario Construction News staff writer

Since 2018, the City of Timmins has reduced electricity consumption by nine per cent, natural gas consumption by 16 per cent and energy intensity (the amount of energy used to provide a service or product) by 14 per cent, surpassing the overall goal of a 5 per cent reduction over five years.

The Northern Ontario city has also met and surpassed target reductions on GHG emissions with a decline of 15 per cent since 2017.

Now council has approved the new Climate Change Adaptation Plan with a new goal to maintain or approve the rate of reduction until 2024.

When it comes to climate change, the City’s Environmental Coordinator is specific about what corporate initiatives need to happen now to give Timmins a green future.

“The City needs to lead by example,” says Christina Beaton. “Through our sustainability program, we have achieved success in reducing our corporate electricity consumption, natural gas consumption, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It’s a start, but we have work to do to encourage community participation in our programs.”

The plan is designed to advance community engagement in long-term planning with the goal of creating a community that is resilient to the risks associated with climate change.

“Yesterday, we had the season’s first special weather statement warning of high temperatures and potential health risks to vulnerable populations,” adds Beaton. “It helped reinforce the need for a comprehensive strategy to help our community deal with climate change risks like extreme heat days, heatwaves, reduced air quality from high temperatures and increased wildfire activity.”

The City’s Community Adaptation Plan will soon be available online. Learn more about the City’s commitment to a sustainable future at: https://www.timmins.ca/our_services/city_hall/environment___sustainability.


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