North Bay holding open house on Main Street construction plan


Ontario Construction News staff writer

A Public Open House will be held at North Bay City Hall on Tues., Jul. 26 at 4:30 p.m. regarding the planned reconstruction of a section of Main Street.

The project involves reconstruction of Main Street between Cassells and Sherbrooke streets, as well as a section of Ferguson Street between Main and Oak streets. Construction is expected to start in spring 2023 and be completed by late 2024.

The open house will be an opportunity for an update on the project, to review drawings and schedules and to ask questions of city staff. Following the meeting, renderings and drawings will be available for review at

The last major renovations to Main Street happened nearly 40 years ago and much of the surface infrastructure has reached the end of its life and requires replacement, including: interlocking brick roadway and sidewalks, curbs and gutters, retaining walls, stairs and railings, benches and lighting.

The revitalization is a key component of the Downtown Waterfront Master Plan and work will include:

  • Detail design for infrastructure improvements and road reconstruction for;
  • Main Street from Cassells Street to Sherbrooke Street
  • Ferguson Street from Oak Street to Main Street
  • Review and repair underground infrastructure, where required, including:

o   Watermain

o   Sanitary sewer

o   Storm sewer

  • Traffic signal replacement at various intersections
  • Street and decorative lighting improvements

Tendering of the project was postponed by North Bay City Council due to concerns of the impact of construction at the beginning of their post-COVID-19 recovery.


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