Greater Sudbury sees economic growth in the First Quarter of 2022


Ontario Construction News staff writer

The City of Sudbury will use several initiatives over the next year to help expedite the development approval process, including online permitting, a more flexible policy framework and improved infrastructure data.

“Over the past 24 months, it’s been a difficult time for many in our community, but together we have shown resiliency and supported one another,” said Mayor Brian Bigger said.

“Council continues to fund recovery efforts for the community to promote economic growth for Greater Sudbury, and we are seeing the results with a strong first quarter.”

Applications for new residential units increased to a value of $10.8 million for 68 resident units and the value of miscellaneous residential construction increased in the first quarter to $11.5 million, more than the first quarter of 2021 and the first quarter five-year average.

According to a staff report, building permits increased in the first quarter of 2022, with 305 issued valued at $45 million. Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (ICI) building permits increased from 2021, with 83 permits issued in the first quarter at a value of $22.6 million.

Building permit activity contributes to strong employment growth in the community, demonstrated in part by an unemployment rate of four per cent in March, Bigger said.

The city’s Development Tracking Dashboard, which provides updated data on residential, industrial, commercial and institutional development in the community is available to developers, investors and the public.

“Our community has been resilient and competitive throughout the global pandemic thanks to investments by Council, great community collaboration and innovative changes to municipal services,” said CAO Ed Archer.

Those interested in learning more about Greater Sudbury’s economic growth in 2021 can visit Related information will be shared and reported quarterly in 2022.


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